© 2000 - 2021 Copyright. Richard C. Slade / Soul Solutions for Life - spiritual, intuitive and meditation facilitator. Please do not reproduce written or audio materials without expressed written permission. All information on this web site is considered spiritual self help only and should not be considered any form of medical or health care advise. Personal empowerment, spiritual life skills and self management strategies, spiritual growth and self development, intuitive development and guidance, life purpose and soul mission, soul journeys and past life remembrance services are considered experiential spiritual education. As a spiritual, intuitive and meditation coach, adviser and facilitator, I offer consultations and sessions in Madison, Dane County, Wisconsin, WI. 608.237.6577. See important disclaimer >. Thank you.


Spiritual Intuitive Consultations - Frequently Asked Questions 1 of 2

How Long Are Consultations?

Consultations run 90 minutes.

Is There A Difference Between Phone and In-Person Consultations?

Phone and in-person sessions are essentially the same and equally effective. It really depends upon your experience and preference.

How Many Sessions Are Required?

This depends upon your goals and motivation. Three initial sessions are usually recommended, ensuring proper integration of the necessary internal skill sets required for spiritual exploration.

What Skills Are Learned?

In the beginning we learn  a variety of simple, yet effective meditative, spiritual and intuitive tools, techniques and practices. They help us deeply relax the physical body at will; recognize and reduce stress and tension; calm and still the mind and emotions; navigate a variety of states of consciousness; develop both active and receptive inner visioning skills; cultivate our inner sense perceptions and open to our intuitive nature; deepen our awareness of our life force energy and the impact of our chakra system; understand the laws of karma, attraction and co-creation; connect to our core heart center, soul / spirit / higher self and the Source; relinquish the effects of the past, inner resistance and life challenges; understand our soul's journey of reincarnation and release its effect upon our life today; open to the path of forgiveness and compassion; cultivate elevated states of consciousness and here our inner guidance system; and awaken to a new vision and higher purpose.

What Are Consultations Like?

Consultation are wonderfully relaxing, rejuvenating and peaceful. They allow us to step away from the world outside and look inwards, exploring our self and our life in new and profound ways. They help us take back control and self responsibility. They help us let go of the burdens we have carried too long. Consultations are truly liberating and enlightening - for they help restore the magic to life, revealing new possibility and higher potentiality. At the end of a session people feel so much more peaceful and relaxed, lighter and brighter, happier and more hopeful, knowing that deep and profound change is occurring both inside and outside of them.

How Can Consultations Help?

Sessions helped me in a multitude of ways - positively enhancing every aspect and condition of my life. For they are truly profound and life changing. They help us learn from a more holographic perspective, to find greater insight and clarity; to learn self and life mastery techniques; to reduce stress and worry; to discover our life purpose and soul‘s mission; to master the mind and emotions; to understand and resolve the effects of our karma; to untangle the shadowy web of our sanskars; to resolve the effects of the past and move into present moment attention; to accept, forgive and experience a deepening compassion; to release negative energies and restore our self with pure life force energy; to reconnect with our higher self and spirit; to cultivate our intuitive and inner guidance system; and to essentially let go of anything that limits us from being authentic and true to who we truly are - a magnificent soul and spiritual being. To find out more, check out our testimonial pages.

What Results Are Expected?

Results vary depending upon our level of motivation, commitment, quality of intention and our goals. Most people have experiences that are truly profound and life changing. They tend to achieve their goals and so much more. They experience greater insight and clarity. A deepening understanding, acceptance, forgiveness and compassion for themselves and their lives, setting the stage for transformation to occur.

Continued on next page >.

Please note: All information on this web site is considered spiritual self help only. Statements, services and products offered are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or illness. When dealing with physical and/or mental illness or disease, always consult a qualified physician, counselor or therapist. Audio recordings are not recommended for people suffering from mental disorders or illness. Please take a moment to read our disclaimer and our terms and definition pages.

Session Overview - Empowerment, Holistic, Spiritual,Iintuitve, Psychic, Channel, Energy Healer and Coach, Columbia, Maryland.


spiritual, sessions, frequently asked questions, faq's, coach, adviser, spiritualist, healer