© 2000 - 2021 Copyright. Richard C. Slade / Soul Solutions for Life - spiritual, intuitive and meditation facilitator. Please do not reproduce written or audio materials without expressed written permission. All information on this web site is considered spiritual self help only and should not be considered any form of medical or health care advise. Personal empowerment, spiritual life skills and self management strategies, spiritual growth and self development, intuitive development and guidance, life purpose and soul mission, soul journeys and past life remembrance services are considered experiential spiritual education. As a spiritual, intuitive and meditation coach, adviser and facilitator, I offer consultations and sessions in Madison, Dane County, Wisconsin, WI. 608.237.6577. See important disclaimer >. Thank you.


What is: Spiritual Healing

Spiritual healing is a wonderful tool of personal growth, transformation and positive change. It can impact every facet of our life and our selves. It can offer resolution to the challenges we face. Challenges of mind, body and soul. It asks of us to reconnect to our higher selves, our soul or spirit, and to the Source of all - God. It is both a proactive and receptive process, requiring extremely clear intention and pure motivation.

Often we resist this reconnection or spiritual healing. A resistance that is internal, often buried for eons of time within our deeper minds. Blocks and obstacles that comprise our misperceptions about God, spirit and our higher self. These misperceptions are often fearful thoughts and feelings, established in this and past lives. Generated by the many worldly wounds and hurts we have collected in the cause of serving the light. Suffering inflicted by others, as we  expressed our higher truths, of peace and love into this world of fear. Simply squashed by the fear others felt. Simple human vows we took, in those moments of pain, to never follow the call of the light again.

So we look and we seek, always outside of ourselves, trying so hard to fill the void deep within. Religions attempt to plug those deep and empty wholes, and yet this can never truly suffice. Only through our own light, can we find wholeness once more.

And so as we relinquish our resistance, we are able to open once more, to the higher self and Source light at our core. It occurs in very tangible and palpable ways. A truly unique experience for each one of us. For there really is no one way, to climb the mountain path home again. And at the top, we open to the most elevated and blissful states of union. States that are mind blowing and most profound. Experiences of the most sacred kind, sweet, loving and nurturing energies of peace infuse our very being. Felt in both mind and body. Incredible clarity, depth of meaning and a higher purpose begin to arise. Everything becomes perfect in that moment of now. An opening to God, indelibly stamped upon our personalities and egos reign of fear.  

And as our experience deepens, a further expansion inwards and upwards occurs. The mind empties, the emotions calm, and a further letting go can take place. We empty out the old, and begin to be filled. We lighten up, surrendering our attachments to the past. We let go of our pain and open still further to the love and acceptance our spirit offers us. We began to perceive our selves anew; viewing our lives in completely new and elevated ways. We open to our authority; our authenticity and essential nature, where our truth can be discovered once again.

Our surrender deepens still further. Into the warm loving embrace of love we go. We become ever more calm, peaceful and still, for this is the state of our true home. We set the stage to remember our purpose and mission in this life. We open to the higher truths, wisdom and knowledge that sit just beyond our thoughts. We awaken to the gentle giant within, that has the innate power to create what ever we chose. Immersed in the ever expanding frequencies of love, we remember who we are. We realize we have the power to change ourselves and to make this a better world. To recreate our reality, based upon a greater love from deep within our hearts, truly becoming a reflection of the ‘God Self’ within.

So we discover that we were never forsaken by God. That the Source has always been within each one of us. One thought away and the love of creation can fill our very hearts. All of humanity is redeemable. It comes down to our social conditioning; those belief systems we so tightly hold onto. Fearful thoughts and feelings that simply blocks the way. And yet upon letting go and surrendering the old way, we simply open to that loving light within once again; a love, a peace, a joy. So pure and bright it can truly change our life.

And so we discover the path of spiritual healing is a life’s journey. A journey of letting go, opening, receiving and mastering. For it can truly resolve our challenges, wash away our wounds and open us to love; as we blossom and grow in service of the light once again. And so we learn that spiritual healing is a process of restoring balance to the holographic self. We are asked to sit in ever higher frequencies of compassion, channeled from our higher selves and the Source within. Energies that quicken the mind body soul system, causing a clearing, lifting off and expansion to occur. Frequencies that open new doorways to ever deeper aspects of our selves.

Through a variety of heart centered tools, techniques and practices, spiritual healing can transform our lives. Experiences that are incredibly powerful and liberating. People find themselves truly uplifted. For they have become infused with something so much greater than themselves, where they discover a new lease on life. For this is the sacred path of self realization, inner alchemy and personal transformation.

To find our more about spiritual healing (and raja yoga), please call or email today. Learn more about spiritual intuitive consultations - Madison, Dane County, Wisconsin, WI.

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SOUL-SOLUTIONS EXPLORE:  Private Consultations and Personal Sessions. Read articles about Spirtual Healing, Faith Healing, Self Healing, Spirit Attachments, Energy Parasite and Entity Attachments. Based upon the principals of shamanism and raja yoga.

Spiritual Healing . Spiritual Path . Spiritual Faith Healing . Spirit Attachments . Spiritual Self

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